Sunday, November 17, 2013

Quote of the Week:  "It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it."  -Lou Holtz

I've seen so many signs in the past two weeks that we are moving!  We are carrying the load effectively and efficiently.  There is real momentum here at Collins.  We need to take some time to celebrate that in the past two weeks:

  • Our XC teams earned two state championships.
  • Our 8th grade KYA team had a bill that made it to the Governor's desk
  • Our 8th grade KYA rep was named Governor for the next year
  • Our Cheerleaders advanced to Nationals
  • Our Academic Team continues to roll in matches
  • Our arts programs are not only growing in size, but producing great works
  • Our language department has students really thinking about working in other countries
  • Our JROTC program . . . wow.  Not only did they put on a great Veterans Day Program, but they also are providing color guard for many groups around the area.
  • Our FFA is hosting the regional leadership conference . . . again
  • We took 15 ACT packets to the bus lot offering them to juniors on the last day to sign up for the December ACT test.  10 of them signed up.
  • We already have 100 seniors College or Career Ready.  Some are both.  
Our programs will continue to grow as long as they are led by good people who are doing things for the right reasons.  What we are seeing is evidence of great kids being around great adults for four years.  

CCR:  The numbers shared by Mrs. Settles last week are EXCITING!  Collins HS saw twenty four more students prove that they were college ready by passing the Compass test in either math, reading or English.  Some of these students now have the academic portion of their Career Readiness attempts as well.  This is a great number; but more impressive are the overall numbers that moved a step closer to proving "readiness."

These students who have not made it have a very clear target.  They can take some time to reflect on one or two things they must do between now and the next assessment to improve.  But their target remains the same.  It has not moved.   They can get there.  We can help them.

(Junior teachers, now would be a great time to remind your kids of the way to avoid the CCR math and reading courses)

Goal Setting:  With four weeks to go in the semester, what are your goals with your students?  Have you talked with them about your Midterm exam?  8th and 9th grade teachers are setting MAP growth goals with their kids.  I was in a math teacher's room watching this happen.  The students are focused.  Again, they are given a clear target and they are shooting for it.

Faculty Meeting:  On Tuesday, we will meet briefly in the Library before going to our breakout sessions.  The focus of our time will be growing in our different areas that each of you selected.  Make this time productive for all be being totally engaged in the process of growth.  We can all get a little better each day!

College Application Week:  The goal is 100%.  Figure out who the outliers are and communicate.  We will find someone who has that connection that will help seal the deal.  Even if they are going straight to the workforce, getting them in some continuing education courses makes great sense.  Let's help them figure this out.

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